Colombia Nicolas Hernandez


Producer: Nicolas Hernandez
Region: Herrera, Tolima
Altitude: 1700 MASL
Variety: Gesha
Process:  Washed
Taste: Honeycomb, Lavender, Elderflower 
Roast: Light

Free delivery on all orders over £15. (estimated delivery time 2 – 5 days

Nicolas Hernández has been producing coffee for his entire life. Nicolas comes from a traditional coffee growing family, and for the past decade, he has been able to see that producing specialty coffee is worth the effort. “I’ve been able to improve my life standards thanks to the great prices I’ve received. Honestly, I can’t even think on selling my coffee to the commercial market because it’s a shame to lose the access to amazing premiums.” says Nicolas.

Nicolas still remembers the first day that he delivered a AAA coffee, “I never thought that six months later I was going to receive an extra premium for that coffee! I did not expect it, until one day they called me telling me to pass by and pick up some money. It made my day.” That motivated him to continue working towards a better quality. Over the years, Nicolas has learned to carry out better practices on the farm to become more sustainable and to maintain and improve the quality of his coffee. Nicolas has shown and demonstrated to be fully committed to the quality of his coffee, he is always willing to continue improving and to innovate
