Colombia Huila


Region: Huila

Variety: Castillo, Colombia

Process: Washed

Taste: Green Apple & Golden Syrup

Roast: Light

Free delivery on all orders over £15. (estimated delivery time 2 – 5 days)

Don Jesus Hernan Ledezma was born and raised in Cauca to coffee-growing parents. As a child he dedicated himself to working on the farm and at the age of 20 he decided to travel to Huila, working as a coffee picker.  He had the opportunity to buy his own piece of land in Iquira, Huila after several years of hard work, naming it La Escuelita.  Don Jesus is married to Mrs. Eveleida (also Caucana) and they have six children.​

Coffee is processed in the traditional washed method with each step in the process dependent on the climate at the time.  Cherries undergo a period of fermentation in the hopper of the wet mill (12 to 16 hours).  They’re then de-pulped before a dry fermentation of 24 to 30 hours and the parchment is washed and dried for 8 to 15 days.​


